A-frames – Anatomy of the Frame


Though there are many possible variations of Glass Handling A-Frame Stillages the majority of the units produced are a variation on a theme.

Anatomy of a Glass Handling A-Frame
Anatomy of a Glass A-Frame

1. Main Frame

The main frame is the substructure which provides the foundation of the A-Frame. Typically these members will be marked with a permanent welded serial number for tracking and certification purposes along with any stencilled details that are required which can include company markings/logos, SWL detail or the CE Mark if certification is required.

2. Fork Guides

Fork guides are locating points to allow FLT operatives to lift the frame with a stacker truck. Though they add no structural strength they are an essential addition for any frame which needs to be lifted with a fork lift as they ensure the load is lifting in a safe and balanced manner.

3. Base Board

The base board is the point of contact between the glass / window module and the frame itself. As standard and for longevity, all of our A-Frames use hard wearing Mesh Faced Birch Timber on the base although some customers do specify marine grade ply. We can offer a wide range of base board materials as discussed in our blog post A-frame Base Materials.

4 & 5 – Lashing Points

Some customers require lashing points which allow glass to be secured with webbing or other slings. It is important they are not confused with #6, lifting points as lashing points are not certified for lifting.

6 – Lifting Eyes

The lifting eyes are certified points where the stillage is permitted to be attached to a suitable lifting device. The lifting points are heavy duty steel attached by four full welds by our skilled welders. All our A-Frame designs are independently tested and certified by registered LOLER / LEAA engineers.

7 – Rear Boards

All our A-frame stillages are equipped with a number of equally spaced Timber softwood “Planned All Round” (PAR) runner supports on the back boards. Provided they are loaded and strapped correctly, glass products are able to rest against these supports without concern of damage.

8 – A-Frame Uprights

Most A-Frames use 4-5 uprights dependant upon the length of the stillage. These important structual elements transfer the lifting force to the heavy duty base and also allow the 5-6 degress incline as specified in section 3.1.2 of The Glass and Glazing Federation’s Code of Practice.

Want to enquire about an A-frame?

As one of the largest A-frame suppliers in the industry, to ensure quality, consistency and service JS Burgess designs and manufactures all A-frames within our own UK based factory. For enquires about the A-frames we offer, please give us a call on +44 1663 719 300 or email us at enquiries@jsburgess.co.uk and a member of our team will be in touch. 

The information on this website is not exhaustive so please don’t hesitate to call us on 01663 719 300 should you have any questions, require a quotation or wish to discuss a specific project with us. We’d be delighted to help. Or alternatively please fill out the form below and we will respond to you shortly.