Storage & Transportation


logistical experience

Our team has enormous logistical experience in arranging transport and making sure that our products are delivered to customers on time and as specified. We handle and transport tens of thousands of steel products each year with deliveries going all over the UK & Ireland as well as Europe. We use a variety of well regarded local and national carriers to deliver our range of products on time or alternatively can work with your logistics department to transport products using your own vehicles.

Advise on Transport Systems

We advise customers as to which type of trailer will maximise transport capacity and lower overall costs. For example, with Stillages we often use stepped flat bed or step-deck trailers to gain additional height which means that more stillages can be loaded onto the wagon.

UK Stillage Manufacturer Profile Extrusion Transport StepFrame


Our skilled FLT operatives have years of experience loading vehicles which means that products are protected when loaded and strapped down onto the vehicle.

Contact Us

how can We help?

If you have any questions about JS Burgess, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01663 719 300 or email us at